Full Grown Irish Doodle: A Complete Guide to the size, Appearance & Traits

Among the row of hybrid breeds, the Irish Doodle is one of the most fantastic creatures. With its marvelous size, shining coat, and extraordinary intelligence, this designer dog can brighten the sight of every watching person.

It is the image of full grown Irish Doodle to depict the Irish Doodle size.

If you are looking for companionship with an Irish Doodle but are overwhelmed due to limited information about the size of the Irish Doodle, don’t worry. This post aims to uncover the full grown Irish Doodle’s size, dimension, weight, and height.

Full Grown Irish Doodle size

Irish doodle is a mix of two competitive breeds, the Irish setter and the Standard Poodle. The breed also results in the form of a Mini Irish Doodle or Miniature Irish Doodle, depending on the parent’s genes.

The appearance of Irish doodles is similar to the other hybrid doodle breeds. They tend to have a long squared body, bulky head, and long muzzle that looks grandeur. These designer dogs come in many coat colors like White, Grey, Red, Cream, Black, and many more. Still, a red-toned coat has distinctive popularity.

The size of an Irish Doodle adult may vary from dog to dog, depending on the provided situations.

Here is the estimated average of a full grown Irish Doodle size :


The height of a standard Irish Doodle varies from gender to gender, where males tend to be taller than females measured by shoulders to tail.

Generally, female Irish Doodles’ height is 22 to 27 inches or 55.9 cm to 68.58 cm, while a male Irish Doodle is 24 to 26 inches or 61.0 cm to 66.0 cm long from its shoulder to its tail.


The average weight also depends on gender. A male Irish Doodle tends to be heavier than a female one. This is due to genetic variation while blending two different purebreds.

The estimated average weight of a male full grown Irish Doodle is about 60 and 80 pounds, or 27.216 kg to 36.28kg. In comparison, a healthy and well-groomed female Irish Doodle has 40 and 60 pounds or 18.1kg to 27.2kg weight.

Size Chart of Full Grown Irish Doodle

Here is the size chart of all types of adult Irish Doodle:



Height at Shoulder

22 to 27 inches
18 to 22 inches
14 to 18 inches
12 to 14 inches


60 to 80 pounds
40 to 60 pounds
20 to 40 pounds
10 to 20 pounds

Growth stages of Irish Doodle

Understanding an Irish Doodle’s growth process is necessary for better growth and improved performance. It will help you learn the nourishment pattern of a newborn puppy and is crucial for your dog’s mental stimulation and physical well-being.

Here are the life stages that a Irish Setter Poo puppy spend to become a full grown Irish Doodle:

Puppyhood: At this point, your puppy is at the smallest possible size of their age. Your dog needs a balanced diet, enhanced care, a moderate environment, and regular veterinary checkups in their puppyhood.

Adolescence: Adolescence is the phase where a small puppy is at its fastest growth. At this age, your developing puppy’s metabolism works efficiently and needs proper foods and improved conditions. In such situations, an Irish Doodle, like other dogs, requires balanced nutrition and adequate joint training.

Adulthood: The life stage of full grown Irish Doodle is called adulthood, stabilizing their proportions. Ensuring a healthy and balanced lifestyle is essential at this stage for a happy dog’s life.

Genetic Factors that Impacts Irish Doodle Size

Several factors can impact the size of a full grown Irish Doodle. Consider these factors to estimate the exact size of your dog. Gender, purebred size, and generation are vital components that can affect the size of an Irish Doodle.


Gender is the most typical variable that diverges the size of Irish Doodles throughout history. Since its first day, male Irish Doodle has been slightly taller and weightier than female ones and has a 10% larger size ratio. 

A male Standard Irish Doodle is 2-4 inches taller and 12 pounds more weighty than a female one. However, a mini Irish Doodle does not have such a distinction.

Size of Parents

The size of purebreds plays a remarkable role in the size of all types of Irish Doodle. Many features and traits like smartness, acrobatic habits, strongest, immunity to disease, and many more are inherited by parents. 

The National Dog of Ireland Irish Setter is a giant dog, recognized by AKC; while Poodle is slightly smaller than Irish Setter. So, Irish Doodle copies the traits of both parents resulting in a medium dog.

This is a full grown Irish Doodle sitting at the home.

The product puppy will collect these characteristics if the mother and father share the same qualities. Indeed, genetics is not the ultimate scale for estimation. Still, it can significantly help you understand the Irish Doodle’s size. 


Generation is the last but not least factor that plays a decisive part in your Doodle’s size and appearance. It is the generation that impacts the height, weight, and overall looks of Irish doodles.

Suppose a puppy gained a higher percentage of lineage from the Setter breed. In that case, the possibility is that it will grow bigger.

On the other hand, a puppy with a high percentage of Standard Poodle will get a mini size and high intelligence. An average and standard-size designer dog inherits an equal proportion from both breeds. 

Health & Wellness Factors that impact Full Grown Irish Doodle Size

For better nourishment and good-looking size, there are numerous other factors apart from genetics, and providing a portion of good food and better health care is crucial. Developing a balanced diet plan, exercise, and routine checkups is necessary to fantasize about your furry friend.

Best Food and Diet for Irish Doodle

Food and a balanced diet play an essential part in the well-being of Irish Setter Poodle Mix. A Standard Irish Doodle has different needs than the food requirements of a Mini Irish Doodle.

A large-size Doodle needs foods suitable for bulky dogs due to its stretched metabolism and enhanced body. A gigantic structure requires more energy, as Standard Irish Setter Poodle Mix completes this requirement from highly energetic foods.

Choose foods considering the metabolism, activity level, gender, and age of your beloved full grown Irish doodle. Try to enlist all necessary foods measuring the weight and height of Irish Doodle. You can also visit an authoritative veterinary clinic to seek better instructions.

Prioritize the nourishment of your doodle in two sections for morning and evening, considering different vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins. It will reduce the obesity risk in your dog to a desirable extent. 

For the small stomach of an Irish Doodle puppy, choose stomach-friendly foods in balanced proportion. For example, give three to five miniature meals when your puppy is six months old instead of two.

A Training Schedule to maintain Full Grown Irish Doodle size

Training your full grown Irish Doodle plays a pivotal role in enhancing or reducing its size. It not only stimulates the mind but also nourishes the body and muscles. 

It is the image of full grown Irish Doodle to depict the Irish Doodle size.

It is effortless to train an Irish doodle because of its intelligence and adaptability. Active consistency and repeated commands are essential to enhance the training process.

The overall training process lies on how the pet parents contribute to the healthy beings and their involvement in puppy stimulation. The appropriate age to train a puppy is its puppyhood, when it can easily follow all your commands and instructions. 

Socialize your Irish Poo Setter with other pets; folks can magically groom its physical and mental personality. You can consult some training experts if you don’t have time for self-training.

Being friendly, intelligent, and strong, this breed can quickly adapt to the provided traits and commands.

The size of adult miniature Irish Setter Poo is slightly lower than Standard one.

Size Chart of Irish Doodle Generations

Here is the sizes of F1, F2,F3,F2B and F1B Irish Doodles:

Irish Doodle Generation


Height at Shoulder

24 to 28 inches
20 to 28 inches
20to 24 inches
18 to 24 inches


50 to 70 pounds
40 to 60 pounds
40 to 50 pounds
45 to 60 pounds

When do Irish Doodle Stop Growing?

When your striking cute friend levels up from puppyhood, you may be overwhelmed by how much your furry companion will grow. Don’t worry! You will see a full grown Irish Doodle as it reaches adulthood.

Irish Setter and Poodle take 18 to 24 months to reach their maximum size. At the same time, a mini Irish dog takes 7 to 9 months for its finished size. Considering this, an Irish Setter Poodle Mix may take 12 to 18 months for complete growth.

A gigantic dog, like an Irish doodle, has shallow growth. Still, due to its hybrid nature, the Irish Poodle Mix grows fast in its first year of life, then shows a slow transition for the next 12 months. Doodle’s second year’s growth is so slow that you cannot notice it throughout the year.

Pros & Cons of Irish Doodle

As you have learned all about an Irish Doodle’s size, it is vital to understand the pros and cons of its size. 


  • Standard Irish Doodles are best suited for open places or large homes. They need a lot of roaming from one spot to another.
  • Due to the presence of a giant-sized Standard Irish Poodle Mix, you feel a sense of powerful companionship and security.
  • Their powerful body and strong muscles help them have a lot of energy to go for a long morning exercise with you.
  • Last but not least, the giant size of this breed leaves an expression of fear at other hunting animals.


  • Because of their large size, they are not suitable for apartments.
  • A sweltering climate may impact their health and cause serious health concerns.
  • They need more energetic foods rich in minerals and vitamins to fulfil their energy requirements. It will consume a good part of your monthly budget.

Final Thoughts

The upshot of the above discussion is that a full grown Irish Doodle fun creatures with fabulous sizes. You also learn the procedure to guess the average size of your doodle in a few steps. A balanced diet, exercise, and reasonable care magically help you to get the desired length.

You can also choose Standard Irish Doodle or Goldendoodle by comparing the similarities and differences.


The average weight of a full grown Irish Doodle is from 50 to 75 pounds in males and 40 and 60 pounds in females.

The average size of an Irish Doodle puppy is:

Weight: 40 TO 70 pound

Height: 22 TO 33 inches

The following are the key variables that can impact the size and growth of a full grown Irish Doodle:

  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Health 
  • The Genes of Parents
  • Maintenance and training
  • Provided Circumstances

A healthy full grown Irish Doodle is estimated to reach 22 to 33 inches.

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