The hybrid Irish Doodle is a cross-product of a soft-hearted Irish Setter and an intelligent and hypoallergenic Poodle.

It is a medium size dog with a height of 22-28 inches. The average weight of these canines is about 40-70 pounds. These dogs come with different coat colors ranging from red, black, apricot, and white to shades of grey.

This is the image to show the Irish Doodle pros and cons, a difficulty in training.

Irish Setter Poos have a lifespan of 12-15 years that may vary from dog to dog. These hybrid dogs may be prone to numerous health issues related to joints, hips, and other skin threats that indicates the Irish doodle pros and cons.

In this article, we will unleash the Irish doodle pros and cons with unprecedented details. We will shed light on the hypoallergenic coat of Irish doodles, its social nature, and its drawbacks, like separation anxiety, training challenges, and many more.

Irish Doodle Pros and Cons

Here, we take a look at Irish Doodle pros and cons:


Let’s delve into the advantages of this dog before delving into the Irish Doodle pros and cons:


Irish Doodles are very intelligent pups. They are eager to learn new things and memorize what they hear. Their strong learning ability allows them to master all the commands with few repetitions. 

Smart Poodle inherits the outstanding intelligence of these hybrid dogs. The Poodle is the second most intelligent dog breed after the Border Collie. Start to train them from the basic level and then move to advanced commands and instructions. 

Here is the story of my Max’s intelligence that will help you to understand the Irish Doodle pros and cons:

One day, he astounded the family by finding Dad’s misplaced glasses. Max’s smarts weren’t limited to tricks; he showed emotional intelligence, too. Sensing Mom’s sadness, he’d nuzzle her, offering comfort. His ability to adapt surprised them, too; he knew when it was time to play or be calm. Max became the go-to problem solver in the neighborhood, retrieving balls stuck in tricky places and guiding lost pets home. His intelligence wasn’t just impressive; it made him an indispensable part of their lives.”

Low Shedding

Thanks to the Poodle’s genes, Irish Doodle does not shed at all. It becomes more important for the Irish Doodles’ generations, like F1 has the lowest shedding as it has 75% of Poodle’s inheritance. These traits further increased for higher generations like F1b Irish Doodle.

The poodle has a curly coat that catches the dead hair, preventing it from falling on the floor. Irish Doodles also have a wavy and curly coat with comparatively low shedding. 

Hypoallergenic coat

Typically, Irish Doodles were aimed to act as service and therapy dogs for those suffering from allergies. After the American Kennel Club declared that there is no 100% hypoallergenic dog on the planet, the title of “therapy dogs” from Irish Doodle was moved to Poodle.

Great Family Dogs

The lineage of the Irish Setter allows its offspring to be patient, kind, affectionate, and a pleasing dog. All these traits are enough for a dog to act as a family pet. Irish Doodles make strong relations with family and kids. Moreover, the smaller size of Irish Doodle make strong bonds with your kids and animals like cats.

They love to be among family members and enjoy playing with them. These dogs are great companions, from jogging to laying in bed. However, basic training and proper commands are essential before you treat them with kids. 

Social Dog

Irish Doodles are social dogs. It means they like to be surrounded by people. This nature of Irish doodle becomes more important if you have a home with many visitors, whether guests or your family members.   

Irish Doodles love to meet with strangers as they have a quest for adventure and want to learn new things.

Versatile Companion

Irish doodles are also notable for their versatility. They adapt to every living situation due to their adaptive nature. They thrive on living in suburban homes or cozy apartments on vast farms regardless of the environmental conditions.

A Loyal Friend

“Velcro dogs” or “People Dogs” are the famous titles of Irish Doodles due to their unconditioned loyalty toward owners. They make strong connections with their owners and other family members. 

Thanks to the loyalty of Irish doodles, these dogs are eager to please their loved ones. They also tend to protect their owners amid any danger. Irish doodles are best for you in any sympathetic situation as a tool of joy and happiness.

Energetic Dog

This is the image to show the Irish Doodle pros and cons, a difficulty in training.

There is no doubt that Irish Doodles have a high level of energy. Exercise and mental stimulation are essential to their health and happiness. Walking, hiking, and playing in the yard are all wonderful ways to channel this energy.

Their boundless energy also means they are playful and fun-loving. A great choice for active individuals or families, they play fetch, frisbee, and other interactive games.

Cons of Irish Doodle

The following are the cons of Irish doodles:

Difficult to predict coat type

As the Irish Setter and Poodle mix, it is difficult to estimate the coat type of a newborn baby. Typically, an Irish doodle is expected to inherit the 50% traits of each parent, but this is not always the case. The other generation has 12.5% Irish Setters and 87.5% Poodles, like F1B Irish Doodles. The higher percentage of Poodle means a curlier coat and low shedding. 

There is no guarantee how many traits an Irish Doodle puppy possesses from their parents. Breeders have their predictions whether an Irish Doodle is more like their Irish Setter or Poodle purebreds.

Lots of Daily Exercise

Irish Doodles need good exercise regularly, as they may be prone to depression and anxiety if not exercised well. The Irish Setter is a high-energy dog created to hunt small animals and birds. It needs a good exercise to maintain its energy level. On the other hand, Poodle is a small dog with a moderate energy level and needs low exercise. 

As a result of these breeds, the Irish Setter has medium to high energy levels that need good exercise each day. To maintain your Irish Doodle’s physical and mental growth, 40 to 60 minutes of exercise is compulsory daily.

Daily walks, running or jogging, swimming, biking, playdates, and dog toys are the best tools for your Irish doodles’ mental and physical stimulation.

Separation Anxiety

Irish Doodles can suffer from separation anxiety. It refers to the awful condition of your dog when they are left alone for some time. This disorder has several symptoms, like too much barking, crying, and yelping. Your dog may munch and dig destructively; in some situations, it may be excreted inside the house.

 If your furry companion is created, it is possible that your dog will scrape at the cage non-stop or even drag your clothes and furniture into the cabinet and chew them into tiny pieces if they are not allowed to leave the cage. 

The separation anxiety of Irish Doodles is due to the lineage with Poodle, as it is a sensitive dog breed and needs huge attention. On average, if you desire to leave your Irish doodles for 3 hours alone, there are better options, as it is enough time to disturb your furry friend.


The cost of Irish Doodles is an important factor you should consider while selecting these puppies. On average, a Standard Irish Doodles’s price ranges from $1500 to $5000, which may increase by about $600 for Miniature Irish Doodles. These dogs become even more expensive with their varying colors, like black, white, and apricot. 

In simple words, Irish Doodles are surprisingly expensive dogs as they have numerous qualities at once. Welcoming an Irish doodle is the best option if you are fine with your budget.

Enhanced Grooming Needs

As discussed above, Irish doodles have a curly coat due to their lineage with the Poodle breed. A curly coat needs more grooming than a wavy one. While grooming needs become even lesser for a dog with a straight coat like an Irish Setter. Daily brushing and trimming twice a month is pivotal to keeping your dog clean and tangles-free. 

Moreover, haired floppy ears of these pups also need regular cleaning to prevent infections and allergies. Last but not least, nail cutting, and teeth cleaning are also important factors to consider while grooming your Irish Doodle. All these requirements make an Irish Doodle a time-taking friend.

Additionally, haircuts in Irish Doodle is a separate topic that needs a brief discussion amid its significance.

Training Challenges

This is the image to show the Irish Doodle pros and cons, a difficulty in training.

Irish Doodle can be difficult to train if they inherit the traits of Irish Setter. The Irish Setter is 53rd in the intelligence rank of world dog breeds. An Irish Setter needs 15-25 repetitions to learn new things. The tendency to obey the first command of this dog is about 70% times.

This adaptability to commands becomes even easier for Poodle, ranked 2nd most intelligent dog breed in the world. Ultimately, the training of your Irish Doodle mainly depends on the traits it inherits from its parents, either Poodle or Irish Setter. If it gets the features of a Poodle, it will be easy to train, while the traits of an Irish Setter can make it a little stubborn and rebellious.

Like its counter parts, especially Irish Wolfhound, you can train your Irish Doodle through positive reinforcement and consistency. Rewarding your dog with toys, treats, and other favorite things can boost its obedience level to a maximum extent.

Health Concerns

Irish Doodle may be susceptible to numerous diseases impacting its growth despite other cons. 

Here is brief discussion diseases that will help you to better understand the Irish Doodle pros and cons:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Joints Issues
  • PRA( Eye Related Disease)
  • Skin Issues
  • Stomach Issues
  • Ear Infections

Final Verdict

Remember that while Irish Doodles are energetic, they also have a sweet and affectionate nature. After a good workout, they’ll enjoy downtime and cuddle time with their owners. Tailor the exercise routine to your dog’s age, health, and individual preferences, and always provide plenty of water and breaks during physical activities, especially in hot weather.

We have briefly discussed the Irish Doodle pros and cons. You can choose this dog as it is intelligent, affectionate, good with children, and can work as a great family dog. Although it has some cons, these issues can be solved through proper implementation and caring. You can enjoy a decade of happiness with these dogs if you have time for caring and proper health measurements.

Irish Doodles are known for their friendly and sociable nature, making them great family pets. They’re intelligent, trainable, and often have hypoallergenic coats.

While Irish Doodles have many pros, they can be energetic and require regular exercise. Additionally, grooming their curly coats can be time-consuming.

Like all breeds, Irish Doodles can have health concerns, including hip dysplasia. Responsible breeding and regular vet check-ups can help mitigate these risks.

Consider your lifestyle, activity level, and grooming preferences. If you want a loving, intelligent, and loyal companion and are willing to invest time in exercise and grooming, an Irish Doodle may be a great choice. Moreover, the above mentioned Irish Doodle pros and cons will help you to decide the selection.

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